2024 Minutes

Springfield Crappie Club
Spring Meeting Minutes
Sunday August 6, 2023, 1:00 PM
KC Lake Club
Springfield, IL

President Kenny Barlow called the meeting to order at 1:05 pm and welcomed the 17 members in attendance.

Secretary Report
Secretary Steve Mozley distributed copies of the February 5, 2023, club meeting minutes. President Barlow recommended the club forego the reading of the minutes.
Moved by Ken Barlow to approve the minutes. Seconded by Ken Kucher. Motion passed.

Treasurer Report
Treasurer Rosetta Shinn reported the club assets held at Heartland Credit Union as follows:
Total Savings: $3,590.24
Total Checking: $4,464.68
Total Savings & Checking: $8,054.92
Rosetta said after the Board considered the account balances and projected expenditures, we approved additional funding for fall tournaments which we’ll discuss in a few minutes.
Moved by Brian Cuffle to approve treasurer’s report. Seconded by Jerry Jallas. Motion passed.
Kenny Barlow said we’ve decided to put additional funds into the fall tournaments as a result of funding from sponsors.

Tournament Director Report
Rick Montooth reported the following:
Rick provided a handout showing Stats for Angler of the Year based on the best four club tournaments w the following teams leading:
Brian Bently: 17.67
Arick Clark/Brandon Waggoner: 16.10
Carlo Catalano/Jerry Jallas: 14.49
Big Fish Leader: Brian Bently: 1.43 lbs. Lake Decatur

Tournament Participation:
Lake Sangchrist Open – 5 boats made $10.00
Lake Decatur/ Lake Springfield 2 Day – 9 boats
Lake Shelbyville Bash – 15 boats made $250
Lake Shelbyville Club – 11 boats
Lake Springfield Club - 11 boats
Club tournaments are 100% payout.

On October 14 Club tournament at Lake Decatur, will start 1⁄2 hour earlier that day to work around a group of youth that same day. The morning meeting will start at 6:00 am; take off at 6:30 am and fish from 6:30 am – 2:00 pm. Be back at the ramp no later than 2:00 pm. All the specifics will be on the application.

Kenny Barlow said the club is fortunate to have the level of sponsor support and club finances. As a result the Board considered the club account balances and future expenditures and recommends the club fund the Lake Springfield Club Classic with $1000.00.
Brian Buchanan asked how the funds will be paid out and it was discussed that the additional funding will go into the general payout for 1, 2, 3 etc. places.

Moved by Kenny Barlow to approve the funding of the Lake Springfield Classic this fall with $1000. Seconded by Ken Kuchar. Motion passed.

Kenny Barlow said the Board considered the club account balance and future expenditures and recommends the club fund the remaining three club fall tournaments with $300.00 each.
Moved by Kenny Barlow to fund the remaining three club fall tournaments with $300.00 each. Seconded by Rick Montooth. Motioned passed.

We were reminded that when we fish Lake Shelbyville, we’ll be able to trailer.
Election of Officers
Kenny Barlow asked the existing Board to run one more year. Kenny Barlow and Rosetta Shinn agreed to run another year as president and treasurer respectively.

Brian Buchanan nominated Brian Cuffle and Rosetta Shinn nominated Kenny Barlow for president.
Kenny Barlow and Brian Cuffle announced their candidacy for club president.
Candidates Kenny Barlow and Brian Cuffle left.

Vice President:
Brandon Waggoner for club vice-president (ran unopposed)

Kenny Barlow nominated Rosetta Shinn and Brian Buchanan nominated Brian Bently for treasurer. Rosetta Shinn and Brian Bently announced their candidacy for club treasurer.
Candidates Rosetta Shinn and Brian Bently left the room while the club voted and were invited back into the room for the counting of the ballots. Brian Bently was voted club treasurer for 2024.

Steven Mozley for club secretary 2024 (ran unopposed)
Arick Clark for tournament director 2024 (ran unopposed)

Kenny Barlow congratulated the new incoming officers and emphasized the importance of our club maintaining good financial records. Rick Montooth said it is good to see so many members stepping up willing to serve the club as an officer.

Vice President Report
Ken Kucher said our two-day tournament on two different lakes didn’t work as hoped with only 9 boats participating.
The Lake Shelbyville Bash only had 4 club member boats participating. Discussion followed that opening tournaments especially with larger payouts may tend to draw teams that are higher skilled leaving average teams out gunned. Members were reminded that club member Brian Bently won the Open Bash fishing without a partner in an aluminum boat with a 25 HP. Rick Montooth said more participation from club members would have brought in more money. He said he’s unsure if moving the Bash to Lake Decatur will bring in the money that we potentially could see from Lake Shelbyville. Ken Kucher said we only had 4 club teams fishing the Shelbyville Bash this spring. The good thing about the Bash is that the guy sitting over there (Brian Bently) won the Bash. Applause followed. Coach said it is the first time in club history that a club member won the Bash. Rick Montooth said I think we’ve lost sight of what the Bash is for. The Bash has been the big fund raiser for our club. The opens haven’t made any money for the club in the past 3 years. It is either the Bash or the sponsors that bring money in. If we could have gotten 4 more club members at the Bash we would have made over $500 for the club. I know the incoming Board is planning to hold the Bash on Lake Decatur. I’m against that. I think you’ll get a better turnout at Lake Shelbyville. HOI had a tournament the same day as our Bash, and we lost at least 3 boats to them. Brian Cuffle said we have always had an issue with club members fishing the open tournaments. Jim Tintori said I consider myself just an average fisherman and I don’t fish the open because I feel like I’m going up against guys that fish the lakes several times a week. I’m not going to just write a check for $50 or $100. So, looking at the open I’m not going to fish against those guys. Rick Montooth said a member who’s not here today that fished the Bash asked where the other club members are. He said don’t they know this is the club’s primary fund raiser. Rick said the bottom line is you’re helping the club, that’s the bottom line.

Steve Mozley said he could remember when Brian Buchanan asked me to fish an open on Lake Sangchrist and I just didn’t feel like I was good enough. After seeing club member Brian Bently win the Bash (fishing alone with a 25hp) fishing against some of the best in the area opened my eyes. Brian Buchanan said you guys have done a good job having over $8000 in the account, but it’s not from the open tournaments, it’s from the
sponsors. It’s not the number of boats fishing in our tournaments that bring in the money, but the support from sponsors. Brian wants to thank all the sponsors. He said HOI is 100% payout. It’s the sponsors that make the difference. Kenny Barlow said we need to all work together to get all the sponsors we can.
Brandon Waggoner said we need the club to grow by bringing in new members. He referred to when he first came to the club he and others weren’t treated well. People said things to us that weren’t appropriate. We need to be a club and help each other. Show respect for everybody and help them out. If someone shows up and has never fished, or backed a boat in, we need to help them out. If we can’t do that as a club we’re never going to grow. Brandon said it’s important how we treat each other. We need to treat each other with respect. Brian Bently agrees and said we need to support each other. Rick Montooth said if we wanted to grow we could open all of our tournaments so anyone could fish, but then again we’re going to lose some guys
that don’t want to fish against everyone.

Lakes 2024

Saturday, March 30 – Open - Lake Sangchrist
Sunday, April 14 – Club - Lake Springfield; Backup Lake Sangchrist (the vote for these two lakes was tied with Kenny Barlow breaking the tie)
Sunday, April 28 – Open Bash - Lake Decatur
Saturday, May 11 – Club – Lake Shelbyville; Backup Lake Clinton
Sunday, June 2 – Club – Lake Decatur; Backup Lake Springfield

Sunday, September 15 – Club – Lake Decatur; Backup Lake Shelbyville
Sunday, September 29, Club – Lake Shelbyville; Backup IL River
Saturday & Sunday October 12-13, Club – Mark Twain; Backup Lake Shelbyville
Sunday, October 27, Club Classic – Lake Springfield
Sunday, November 10, Open - Lake Decatur

Rick Montooth said we have an open this year on Lake Decatur on Saturday, November 4, 2023. Also fall tournament apps should be posted by August 11. Rick said he stayed up until 1:00 am requesting lakes the first day the web-site opened up, but then other tournaments came in later on top of us. He thinks moving our tournament dates to Sunday is a good idea. Brian Buchanan agreed that there is a lot less pressure on Sundays. He also said it’s hard to get a tournament on Lake Jacksonville because of the pressure from the bass clubs. Jerry Jallas reminded the club that these dates are pending availability come November 1, when we can sign up for lakes.

New Business
Ken Kucher said we need more youths involved in our club.
Moved by Ken Kucher that youths 12 and under be allowed in our boats during a tournament at no additional charge which would mean 3 people in the boat. Seconded by unknown. Motion passed. Ken Kucher asked why the club needs $3500 in the savings account? He recommended taking $2500 out of savings and put $250 in each of the next 10 club tournaments and keep $1000 in savings account. Some comments were made about maintaining $3500 is in the bylaws. Also, about the trailer breaking down or other unexpected expenses that may come up. The recommendation didn’t receive a second. Rosetta Shinn said as a not for profit and in the event of an audit we should maintain good records such as getting maintaining receipts in club records for all expenditures. We should have a receipt in our records for every check that is written. Brian Buchanan said those are good business practices. Rosetta we should have a group made up of members not on the Board review our financial records to be sure checks written are supported by receipts and deposits get properly deposited. We need to be able to show and prove where we spend the money and where we take it from. She recommended the new officers have someone review our records that is not the treasurer or a club officer. The members should come in and do a review of the records with the club treasurer present to answer any questions. Rick Montooth said the apps will be online by this coming Friday and September 16, is our next tournament on Lake Shelbyville.
Moved by Arick Clark to donate $50.00 to the KC Hall for the use of their facility. Seconded by Ken Kucher. Motion passed.
Moved by Kenny Barlow to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Ken Kucher. Motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Steve Mozley
Moved by Brian Cuffle to approve the August 6, 2023, club meeting minutes. Seconded by Rick Montooth. Motion passed at the January 21, 2024
club meeting.

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