Hope this message finds everybody well. We will have our winter meeting on February 23 at 1 PM at the KC Club 141 North Lakewood Dr., Chatham, IL.
We will be having a fish fry. We need everybody to bring just enough fish for themselves. We don’t need extra thanks. A couple of side dishes would be greatly appreciated.

                      Meeting Topics
1. Dues will be collected at $30 per member.
2. Sponsorships for the club.
3. regular club meetings.


President: Brian Cuffle (217) 741-4310
Vice president: Danny Runkel Sr. (217)801-0947
Tournament Director: Rick Montooth (217)-306-5490
Treasure: Ken Kuchar ( 217)-415-3348
Secretary: David Amerson (217) 622-7929

2024 Classic 1st Place Fishermen

Welcome to the Springfield Crappie Club.

The club was formed in 1980. 

The purpose of the club

To make available to the people of the area, an organization which will allow them to unite to pursue worthwhile goals in promoting crappie fishing to its rightful place among recognized sports.

To promote good sportsmanship and fellowship among anglers and provide good wholesome recreation for its members and their families.

To improve the skills of all anglers through the exchange of crappie catching techniques and ideas.

To encourage members concern for the preservation of our natural resources. 

Please check out our Sponsors page. You can click on the image and you will directed to their website, if available. You can also obtain information on how to become a sponsor of our club.  

If you are interested in becoming a member you can download a new member application by clicking NEW MEMBER APPLICATIONS. The cost to join the club is a yearly membership of only $30 per individual or $60 per team.

New Club Membership Application

Yearly membership is only $30 per individual, $60 per team.

Sponsorship Application

SCC Executive Board
  • President: Brian Cuffle

  • Vice President: Danny Runkel Sr.
  • Treasurer: Ken Kuchar
  • Secretary: David Amerson
  • Tournament Director: Rick Montooth
  • Contact Email: thespringfieldcrappieclub@gmail.com

2024 BIG FISH Winner of the Year

Ken Kuchar

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